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An idiot or a name for someone or something

"You fuckass"

by CrazyJ444 November 27, 2011


something thats really bad or disgusting

kara walks up to jordan and bullies him, jordan says "get the fuck out of here with that fuckass bob and that fuckass ponytail and that fuckass hairline and that stankass puss"

by karaisafuckassbitch February 8, 2025


A combinations of the words fuck and ass to describe something as bad.

i hate my fuckass computer it never works

by holycarpimacat February 27, 2024


To be a Cuntish arrogant dickhead to someone else in your life

Stop calling me that you FuckAss.
You’re a real FuckAss you know that?
Shut up FuckAss

by Wallzerboy November 4, 2019


A fucking retard that looks like an ass.

John was a fuckass last night.

by Bananasasa June 7, 2019


When someone does something that is fucky

Khaleel swirling jayden. Total fuckass

by Pleasecryfreakbuttasd December 22, 2015


a fuck who just so happens to be an ass.

"you're such a fucking fuckass"

by 13151719master December 15, 2016