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A slang term use similar to the word bro, or brodie, usually to ask if your friend whos geeked up on percs if he's okay.

Grodie? Grodie, you good?
Grodie? Did you have too many percs?

by tayilorr January 8, 2024

Grody brody

Gross + dirty = grody

Lisa: “Ew Kyle still eats his boogers

Pam: “What a grody brody

by Peptobismol!! April 18, 2024

If you remember grodie

The complete phrase is"if you remember grodie to the max" but that phrase gets a bit cumbersome so the foreshortening works better. It basically means a way of calling someone out who's still living in the 80s and doesn't realize it.

Aging gen x er: the summer of '83 was wild! I went to the " us"festival up in devore and my girlfriend at the time wore all this spandex....

Millennial. If you remember grodie

by 4realazitgits April 24, 2021