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Hentai Haven

The best hentai site on the internet.

Hentai Haven was shut down on December 20th 2018 but came back on May 12 2019. Goodbye hanime, I won't miss you.

Brad: "Hey have you heard, Hentai Haven is back!"
Mike: "Really bro?! Let me check!"
Brad: " Ok, I gtg, duty calls..."
Mike: "It really is back! Time to beat my meat like it owes me money!"

by Tom Gibson the Horse Slayer246 May 14, 2019

West Haven

Small town in southern CT. Often referred to as waste haven but not quite. can be a bad place if you find the bad spot there are good areas in west haven though.

I hope she's not from the wrong side of west haven. she might be a bad kid

by S. A. Sobriety March 19, 2009

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Winter Haven

Probably the strangest place on Earth. Populated by the ugliest and ignorant people.

I went to the Wal-Mart in Winter Haven and I saw two women that weighed 675 lbs, had two teeth and were wearing bikinis!

by mommytails June 17, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grand Haven

1) A small beachtown located in the real OC, Ottawa County. John McCain can be seen eating Pronto Pups here. Anthony Kiedis has been glimpsed at the Kirby House.

2) A small West Michigan city full of white, middle class, Christian Reformed people who often do nothing else than contract skin cancer at the beach.

3) Quite possibly the site of the most MIP's ever handed out.

1) Grand Haven: We own it, you just visit.

2) Someone from Grand Haven: "Evolution is fake. Jesus is my homeboy. Everyone else who is alive is a faggot and deserves to burn in Hell with Satan."

3) Grand Haven is building a huge-ass courthouse for all those wily teens.

by swaeshampine July 21, 2008

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Lock Haven

The city of Lock Haven is the county seat of Clinton County, in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Located near the confluence of the West Branch Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Creek, At the 2000 census, Lock Haven's population was 9,149. Built on a site long favored by pre-European peoples, Lock Haven began in 1833 as a timber town and a haven for loggers, boatmen, and other travelers on the river or the canal. A light-aircraft factory, a college, and a paper mill, and many more smaller enterprises are present in Lock Haven. A levee or as it is called in Lock Haven "the Dyke", completed in 1995, protects the city from further flooding. While industry remains important to the city, about a third of Lock Haven's workforce is employed in education, health care, or social services.

Some words of advice: A lot of the men and woman in Lock Haven are back stabbers and nosy cunts.

"I am from Lock Haven, but I am not an asshole like most the others that live there"
"Lock Haven was flooded really bad in what we call The flood of 1972"

"Most the people in Lock haven are addicted to some type of drug. Even teachers and child social workers"

by Shadow_Assassin March 6, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

beach haven

basically the beverly hills of all beaches. your beach house is probably bigger than anyone of your friend's. you grew up going to fantasy island and mr. tee's, and if you were lucky you would be able to eat at chicken or the egg for breakfast. but if not, then defenitly shore good donuts, because those things are the shit. you ride your bike or longboard everywhere. two words: bay. village. the best fucking shopping center in the world. those elephant ears are to die for. and don't lie, you get a henna tattoo everytime you're there. you don't mind spending $2,000 in island gypsy. it's not the most you've spent in a store. beach haven is home to the best restaurants in the world. when you heard those bells ring, you dashed all the way to the street to get ice cream. you always go to the bayside to watch the sunset. beach haven is your home. you fucking love it. you wouldn't trade it for the world.

lauren: i finally get to feel like what it's like to be rich. my family is renting a beach house in beach haven!

anna: oh that's funny, because i think it's mine...

by ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒป April 5, 2017

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strath haven

The school in Del co where everyone is accepting and or total douche nozzles @sk. Their great academics and powerful orcestral groups make it a wonderful school

Fucking Strath Haven

by Hahshsgshjsgshs December 28, 2017

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