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Horizontal Buttcrack

A totally regular and very common butt crack, like mine

Can you believe that there's people out there that have vertical butt cracks? Not normal completely common horizontal buttcracks like yours and mine.

by nonvertical September 5, 2018

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Horizontal Shotput

The act of sexual intercourse.

Let's go back to my place later on and do the horizontal shotput baby.

by Pal Blacketts November 20, 2006

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horizontally challenged

The inability to get laid.

Condoleezza Rice is so horizontally challenged, it's not funny.

by Assweepay September 24, 2005

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horizontal running

Some thing Fat Amy does in the first Pitch Perfect

โ€œFat Amy what are you doing?โ€ -Abory
โ€œIโ€™m horizontal running.โ€ -Fat Amy *laying on the ground and moving her legs in a bicycle motion*

by ??123 February 27, 2018

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horizontal timemachine

When you fuck a girl so hard that she loses consciousness from the intensity of orgasms and wakes up in the future.

I threw Sara on the ground and gave her a horizontal timemachine.

by Purgator March 31, 2016

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Horizontal Prejudice

Prejudice between persons with similar points of oppression (age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.)

A white gay looking down on a gay of a minority group would exhibit horizontal prejudice if based on the latter's minority.

by TangerineSpleen February 6, 2009

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Dubble Horizontal

The Dubble Horizontal is when someone bends you over a bar stool and puts some ruby red slippers on you and does you from behind while you scream "Theres no place like home!"

"Man im gunna come up in there and pull a dubble horizontal on your ass"

by Audix , Aimaton , Windex , D-mac , Lysol July 12, 2006

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