Introvert Gang is a personality gang made in 2021 and its rival is the extrovert gang.
The Introvert Gang is Singapore's number 1 best personality gang.
Not as good as dogs, but much less likely to piss everywhere.
A: do you have any pets?
B: i have an introvert adopted from a library, they're not as good as dogs but much less likely to piss everywhere.
wants to be free all the time and isn't good at socializing with people
I'm an introvert who isn't good at socializing
A lot of people think an introvert is someone quiet or reclusive, but introverts are usually the opposite, since people often think they are extraverts. Actually, a lot of the misinformation about introverts comes from introverts, which is why people tend to think introverts fit a certain mold.
Guys like Hitler or Noriega were not wallflowers, they tended to be social butterflies, especially at parties. Noriega in particular would've seemed to be what some people would call progressive, he spent lots of time around the LGBT community and was supportive of them. He was an introvert, but he never really told anybody who he really was or what he really did because he didn't have an honest bone in his body, not because he was an introvert.
Someone that seems to have what some people would call poise under pressure, at least on the surface.
He/she was an introvert, so he/she repressed anything that wouldn't fit his/her image (even if the image was one of somebody that seemed different, quiy, or fiery, as they call it).
Contrary to the misinformation perpetuated by introverts about introverts, people don't become more introverted at different times in their life, and more extroverted at others. You're either an introvert all the time or you're not, since it's possible for anyone, including introverts, to be outgoing at times (which isn't the same as being an extrovert or becoming one).
An asshole can be nice, but that doesn't change the nature of who he/she is, an asshole doesn't become something else by being nice for a while. It works the same way with an introvert, an introvert doesn't become more introverted or more extroverted at times, the person's nature is always the same.
A hermit who's afraid of phone calls.
This Introvert likes to read and stay inside all day instead of doing anything productive.