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1. Short for Jeffrey, which means 'God's peace.'
2. A name that at one point was used for various meme/vine compilations, showing a random man say, "My name is Jeff."

1. He's called 'Deaf Jeff' - not that he's actually deaf, but he doesn't like any sort of music.
2. -My name is (WHAT?) My name is (WHO?) My name is - "My name is Jeff."

by SeΓ±or_Pablo67 November 30, 2016

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Jeff is a gay boui

by Iamequalverystraight November 13, 2018

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word for weed,used primarily by the Western Australian boys who just want to enjoy Jeff's company and have a sick time

Young lad number 1-OI Brother you wanna see jeff tonight?
Young lad number 2-For sure man,always a good time when Jeff is around

by yoyoswagyo November 3, 2015

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Jeff is a person who is very asian in evry single way you can think. POOr is the best word to describe a jeff. Jeffs also love to eat lylidale chicken and they mostly all work at kfc because they love chicken so damn much and also rice. One may also fail his driving test because he needs to wear glasses.

-yo look at jeff

-who, that guy eating lilydale chicken?

by ass asdoihasjdnasd April 30, 2009

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Used to symbolise someone being more awesome then the opponent.

"I'm a better Jeff than you. "

by Low- key August 1, 2018

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Jeff is used to symbolise when you are more awesome then your friend.

" I'm more of a Jeff than you are."

by Low- key August 1, 2018

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To be an idiot or a stupid person

Like writing an example so someone will doff there cap

Shut up you jeff

by Grozzy B December 3, 2020

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