Source Code

collin “the jet” jett

Collin the “jetJett is a wonderful homosexual male looking to mate with anyone interested

Have you ever met Collin “the jet” Jett? He’s so cool!

by Me is you you is me September 6, 2020

Jett Keanu Reeves

A form of the Jett that can be found in the manga page 47 chapter 3 this is the most powerful version of Jett

Yo i love Jett Keanu Reeves, he's my favorite character

by shrek of yes August 1, 2022

Jett Sherwood

Jett’s a gamer who stays up all night playing Minecraft

HES really good at gaming and his hair looks sorta emo

“Omg did you see Jett’s Minecraft skills?”
“Yeah! He can speed run it in 69 seconds ;)”
“We should totally game with that Jett Sherwood guy!”

by Justapunkfangrrrl October 6, 2021

Jett Woods

An asshole

A Jett Woods is an asshole

by MaybeJett August 1, 2020

ruby and jett

best and most sexiest couple ever

“have you seen ruby and jett”
“yeah they are like the sexiest couple ever”
so jealous

by yapppa December 11, 2023

Jett Kulik

A 16 year old boy, more commonly known as a jew from poland whose parents horrifically died in a concentration camp.

Corey: "Wow Jett kulik stinks, he should shower."
George: "He should take notes from his parents!"

by monkey number 1 October 3, 2022


Jette is really nice but she will always have a simp nation behind her.

Omg who are all of them ?
Don’t worry they are just wimps for Jette

by Je.jeans November 21, 2021