The unfortunate name given to someone who follows through wearing traditional Scottish dress without underwear.
Kieran had an accident while dancing at the ball last week. Old Shit the Kilt is now on a warning.
A phrase used when pointing out that someone has already sunk too much effort into a situation to turn back or quit.
"I don't know if I can finish this degree, I don't even like economics..."
"dude, I know you're exhausted, but you can't quit now, you already bought the kilt."
"Why do you even want to be in his wedding if he's such a jerk? Just drop out!"
"I can't man, I have to go through with it, I already bought the kilt."
Noun: The part of a plaid flannel shirt that hangs below a zipped leather jacket, from Delco Pennsylvania
Rick is rocking one hell of a Clifton-Kilt, God is he white-trash
The same as a Milk Kilt, but the two participants are your wife and sister-in-law.
"Bro, I heard you got a Milk Kilt the other night! ""Naw, it was a Golden Milk Kilt, it was my wife and sister-in-law."
A “Well Hung” man in a kilt (Large Junk)
Well he’s definitely a kilted kangaroo from what I have heard
p-p... p-p-p... plaid?!
*proceeds to act like a chicken*
Squidward: what do you think of Mr.Krab's new plaid kilt
dark, thick, you can grease it up nice if you need to but it is not naturally greasy
Man, that dude's got kilt hair!