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Brindishe manor

A place where clapped posh white kids get cussed by liqal black yutes,And all the girls that go up to yr7 from this primary turn into prince Williams strippers all the gyally are flat and have acknee on their pum

Brindishe manor This is a school

by Mr steal ur virginity August 24, 2019

Lawn Manor Academy

the most shit school in the world. sexist as shit. Filled with furries , weirdos and pedos
I fucking suggest to stay 100 miles away from this school

If someone says this " I go to Lawn Manor Academy"

You should reply with do you need a therapist or do you need social support

by GVSDFGDFGHFGDHGFDHFSGDSfdsafas February 10, 2024

Manore (man-ore)

1) The word used to describe a man who is a whore. Pronounced like "manure".

2) A man who can't keep is penis in his pants. Takes it out whenever he feels the need.

3) Fucks hoes allday errday. He isn't respected by women but is to all of his friends who are just like him.

4) Male equivalent to a female whore.

How to spot a manore:
- He will eyefuck you until you lady jizz.
- Will be too good with his words.
- He might look a bit gay just to make ladies feel more comfortable.
- Is normally a musician.
- Has a herd of sluts following him. They are normally the girls he has already pursued.
- They can look ugly or beautiful, just watch out.

Whatta manore (man-ore).

by NINJA-JONES February 18, 2011

Janner raised in a Manor

This phrase can be used to describe a 'janner' with a posher accent, sounding janner, but not quite with a little bit of posh essence is now called Janner raised in a manor.

"Oh, spot of tea?"
"Mate, have you seen George? He sounds like a janner raised in a manor."

by AriFromMercury November 9, 2023

G Manor

The house and crib of the griffs


by burritoboy329 February 12, 2024


hit debut album produced by Toomoo themself
(dont you dare spell it without the capital letters you IMBECILE)

"have you listened to TOMUNCOLI MANOR yet?"
"omg yes! my fav song is Healing."
"what?!! the best one's The Anti-Toomoo, of course."

by streamTOMUNCOLIMANOR December 2, 2023

brampton manor academy

one of the worst schools in newham dont go here unless you want to be treated like a dog.

mummy can i go brampton manor academy? no dear go kingsford instead!

by szeatseverytime December 26, 2023