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something that shouldn't exist, and needs to be forgotten.

you are math.

by eat my dirt February 11, 2021


H-high school

What maths was really made for

by Yeah braaaaa May 16, 2016


A series of equations that make you scream

Math is not fun

by candaman101 October 21, 2020


Math something taught in school

if Jim has 3 pencils and Bob has seven apples then how many pancakes can fit on the roof? purple because aliens don't wear hats. that is math

by UltronaGone February 29, 2016


understanding what u gotta do

friend: hey whats math?
me: math is understanding what u gotta do

by massp September 17, 2019


maths stands for mathematical anti telharsic heptoses septonim. it is basically the language of numbers, with 1 meaning hello, 2 meaning the etc.

all mathematical calculations must exist between absolute 0 and the largest number possible. mathematicians think it is about 100 billion, but some think there may be even larger numbers

maths can be used to solve many every day problems, such as the optimum time to enbark on a conversation, or planning your trajectory to work.

by eeeeeeee September 11, 2007

106๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mental Abuse To Humans
A class that was probably invented by Satan whilst he had a hissy fit over not being able to drag enough people to hell. Said to help us later in life, but i will never need 20+x32-4+86 if x=93.....

Teacher: Hello kids, todays warmup question will be "What is 459(20x-12)x3+42y if y equals 27 and x equals 45?"

Student: Why must we learn this?

Teacher: Because you're gonna need it later in life

Student: Yeaaah right (Shoots himself in head)

Moral of this story: MATH.IS.HELL.

by KJayyyyyyy January 17, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž