Source Code

meter maid

A woman member of a police traffic control department who issues tickets for parking violations.

I had to face the meter maid when Jack parked at the bus stop.

by uyums August 13, 2007

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Boob Meter

Boob Meter: A meter used by straight men to gage the desirability of a girl or woman's mammary glands.

"OH man check her out my Boob Meter is topping out!" Or "Oh look how small she is my Boob Meter won't even move!"

by CPT Spalding March 10, 2010

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Balls Meter

A reference to the Scarface video game from 2006. As you sell drugs, kill people, or talk trash to them (i.e. pressing O and having your character yell "Hey fuck you meng!") a meter on the bottom part of the screen, known as the Balls Meter, would fill. Once full you would be temporarily invincible and kill everybody in your path while yelling quotes from the Scarface movie.

In other walks of life you would talk about somebody having a full Balls Meter when they do something manly or badass. This includes but is not limited to an athlete making a ridiculously clutch play, James Bond demolishing everybody at the end of Casino Royale when he thinks Vesper has betrayed him, and professional wrestler Sabu continuing to work a barbed wire match despite his biceps being torn open.

Person 1: Yo did you see Durant's game winner last night?
Person 2: Word man his Balls Meter is through the roof

by A.D. Sellers January 5, 2012

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heezy meter

a certain meter rating ur heezyness from 1-10

ur shoule is 9.8 on my heezy meter!

by lang May 22, 2004

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The Perversity meter

A color coded scale of how perverse one is.

Severe(Red): Severely perverted. So perverted that you can't even stand them. Takes the smallest word or sentence and somehow turns it into a perverted statement. Needs help.
High(Orange): Highly perverted. Often oggles at people and never stops with the innuendoes. Is annoying to talk to sometimes.
Elevated(Yellow): Significantly perverted. Makes innuendoes from time to time.
Guarded(Blue): Generally perverted. The average amount of how perverted one usually is.
Low(Green): Not perverted at all. Is probably either a pussy or their religon forbids perverseness.

Many different types of people have different scales on the perversity meter. For example:
Sever(Red) usually consists of frat boys, party animals, and general assholes. Oh, and The Todd too.
High(Orange) usually consists of freshmen(both college and highschool), your dad, that one friend who you never hang out with.
Elevated(Yellow) usually consists of work friends, close pals, and drink buddies.
Guarded(Blue) usually consists of regular people. People who see the perverseness in situations but don't always say how they're perverted.
Low(Green) usually consists of 40 Year old Virgins, nuns, preists, and the selebic.

by DoctorAwkward December 3, 2007

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van meter

a bomb ass school that beats earlham’s ass. yes they’re waukee jv but they dominate. anyone who isn’t from van meter is mad because they crush anyone they play

have you heard of van meter? ya we got beat by them
earlham has no chance against van meter

by holaputa69 December 22, 2018

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livid meter

A means to gauge how livid something has made you!

That random occurance has made me livid i need to write that up on the livid meter!

by Matt Broomhead March 15, 2007

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