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Jizz mitten

When your boy friend has so much built up jizz that when he finally gets to cum after a much needed hand job it forms a mitten over your whole hand.

"Jenny your hands are looking awfully dry, why don't you let me give you a jizz mitten, I hear it's great for your skin".

by Jim Jamz January 7, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squish Mitten

An exceptionally warm and cozy vagina.

That girl's squish mitten felt as good as warm apple pie.

by lambaa August 7, 2008

123๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

fish mittens

Descriptive of the clamminess that makes your fingers stick togther after a session spent "fingering" a young lady.

Joe: How far'd you get last night?
Bob: Not that far mate, wearing me fish mittens though!

by Chad Cobra December 9, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy mitten

Pussy mitten (noun): big bushed lose gaping vagina hole. A hairy vagina in which you can put your whole hand inside and feel warmth.

Dan- "That bitch who I just donkey punched has a pussy mitten"

Rob-"Hey check out that girl, shes hot, i'd totally bang her"
Christian-"Nah dude dont do it, that bitch has got a pussy mitten!"

by Allmenshouldlosetheirdicks87 October 17, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kitty Mittens

Customary in China, you dip your testicles in milk, put them in a hole cut in a shoe box. In said box there is a live, tiny kitten with little mittens over their declawed paws. This precious feline will then play with and lick your sack and love you long time.

My wife just loves Precious, her new baby Saimese kitten. Little does she know that I played kitty mittens with her for about an hour last night.

by Donkeyboy32 August 27, 2008

104๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Custard Mitten

A cheese substitute founded by the Kraft family. Often included as dry powder in a box of pasta. A custard mitten is the term used for the leftover residue of tapioca gelatin that dries overnight inside a whore's vagina. Proteins are introduced and the mitten is pasteurized by General Custard. In the morning after the Custard's delivery, the mitten walls are scraped by the Kraft employees (like Keebler elves) to collect the flaky dry cheese powder alternative to be re-sold into Kraft grocery products.

"General Custard, I'm fucking hungry. Get your fingers out of the founding fathers, wipe my wife's ass off your glasses and get the fuck into the kitchen to whip me up a delightful custard mitten. You'll find my daughter waiting in the kitchen for your delivery."

by DrDoodleDandie February 19, 2018

Jiggly Mitten

Pronounced: Jiggly MEE-tshen

Definition: similar to "wet blanket." Specifically describes one who is difficult to travel with.

"I suggested we change our dinner reservations to meet our new male friends at the club, but Sally was a Jiggly Mitten and refused to cancel the reservation."

by RevelationOn34th January 19, 2012