it’s my dad who always wants to smash my mom
Fizzy: no.
yellow cannot smash my mom but he might smash yours
that’s Yellow Smashing My Mom
A kind word yes I mean it you found a kind word here!
A word to describe that you love your mom
Me: I love my mom
That one guy who has F- in every class: IMAGINE BEING A MOMMAS BOY LOL
Me again: stfu I can love my mother not like you love her
Meaning In New York on my moms = I’m not lying
On my moms I seen her yesterday.
(Talking to the UD Jews)
She has smoked for most of her life. I don’t know if there is anything out there that can ward off cancer or even cure it or something. I’d still like my mom to be around and live a long life. But I think cigarette smoking is ruining her health...
She is trying to get off cigarette smoking but I am worried if it is too late...
My mom probably doesn’t have long to live
Dude: yo wassup my moms in a gang
Me: oh shit we’ll follow @mymomsinagang on twitch 😂
A comback to my dad owns roblox
Robloxian 1- my dad owns roblox
Robloxian 2 -my mom owns minecraft