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A website designed specifically to keep you up all night, adding people you don't know or like, refreshing the page every 5 minutes to check if someones messaged you and a stupid, annoying excuse for complete twats to act hard.

Guy: I had a fight with a guy yesterday
Girl: really? why?
Guy: he added my mate on "Myspace "
Girl: so you emailed him alot?
Guy: Yeah, then blocked him.

by Cassie; December 27, 2008

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A networking website used by scene kids who have no idea how to use basic HTML let alone CSS. MySpace is also the internet's biggest popularity contest.

"On the downside, MySpace is full of sexual predators. On the upside, it’s full of sexual prey."

by Misfitus April 23, 2006

34πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


As with other blog sites, the crack of the internet. I will not admit it has conquered my soul until I make a post about my feelings.

myspace and other blog sites are for whores. Myself included.

by Jsaid January 17, 2005

311πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž


a horribly addicting website to connect with "friends" online. post pictures, post comments, add friends, talk -- basically. after a while you realize that it kinda sucks.

myspace - a new outlet for pedophiles

by bobble bobble August 21, 2005

140πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


Basically, a completely pointless community website, but WARNING, it's highly addictive. Tom, the Creator, is the equivalent of a god to serious myspacers. There are always countless chain-bulletins about bullshit things. There's the occasional one that makes sense, until you get to the bottom where it says "REPOST IN 5 SECZ OR ELSE U WILL HAV BAD LUCK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!" or something similiar.

When you first join, its fun. After a while, it becomes a popularity contest, in which you add people just for the sake of having 'friends'. However, there is the occasional person who has a whole bunch of rules like 'Don't repost a bulletin every 5 fucking minutes or I won't add you!' or 'DuNt tYiPe lYkK dDiSz' like they're all that and a bag of skittles.

And then, after about two months, you realize that there's really no point at all. But by then, your probably too far gone to stop. Then again, its given many people a boost in their social lives. Yippee

omgzzzz lyk comment my new pixxx!!!

ii lovve yeww <333: omfg i love you!! you are so freakin sexiiii like omg lets chyll ! blahblahblahblah comment bac or else bitch! like l-o-l

by Idonthave Aname August 21, 2005

73πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


the destroyer of every other possible method for communication

person 1- hey it was cool meeting you, what's your phone number?
person 2- i no longer own a phone. do you have a myspace?
person 1- no phone?????
person 2- who needs one. i wouldnt pick up anyway, i'm too busy on myspace

by ten cents May 21, 2006

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Facebook's bitch.

seriously, who uses Myspace anymore?

by nxt2yoshi May 12, 2011

27πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž