Genetic trash, heartless monster without a soul trying to appear human, the worst are mostly covert & female
this narc can go to hell - the world would be a better place without them.
a fuckin bitch who tattle-tales, is just a grade a asshole, or does anything in their power to make your life worse.
Johnathan just stole my food and said he made it, what a fucking narc!
To suddenly and uncontrollably fall into deep sleep. Typically in the form of a full night's rest or extended nap. Derivative of the word "narcoleptic."
"Sorry I narced out last night in the middle of the movie; I really wanted to watch it with you."
Someone thats deeply insecure/selfcentered who manipulates ,gaslights, envys there victims. Is a form of which craft to alter someone’s imagination/ hold them back from there purpose ,ultimately destroying them spiritually/mentally physically leading them to question reality whitch can form to suicide. If that doesn’t work there Last resort would to murder there victim with drugs or physically.
Short term for a narcissist.
The narc continued to hold his friend back from his dreams.
God gave signs his friend was a narc to stop all contact before it was too late.
A tattle tale or snitch.
“I’m telling mom!!”
“Don’t be such a narc!”
Not to be confused with a narcotics officer. A narc is a narcissist.
Derived from the myth of narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection. A narcissist is a proud and controlling. They always want to one-up everyone. They’re selfish and self seeking. They play mind games to mask their true nature. Using tactics that make them seem selfless. Tactics like gaslighting, love-bombing, and monkey branching. They bring hate and drama into your life, all while claiming you’re the problem. Deep down they are insecure and afraid of abandonment or rejection. They can change but only through the alpha and omega Jesus Christ, the tough part is that narcs don’t take accountability — they think they’re above the truth and will lie and cheat as much as they want because they think they’re entitled to their own rules.
Covert narcs hide behind a facade of pain and victimization, often extremely jealous folks, with deep rooted resentment towards anyone who is better off.
The overt narc is more of the same except they truly believe no one can be better, except for when someone crushes their expectations, then their envy and complexes appear through their invincible mask. One-uppers who yap about themselves non stop.
Someone who chooses to talk to a female that they are interested while staying in party chat and completely ignoring the bois
Craig was being a “Narc” earlier when we were playing Minecraft