Source Code

Peggy Ng 4.0

A idiot that keeps doing urban stuff on the ccg88 discord server

Peggy Ng 4.0 always uses the //urban command

by JesseDoesUrban February 11, 2018

Jasmine Ng

A Person that’s like Lilly Ng that won’t stop thinking that she’s a cartoon but instead changes her name to something bad… but at the end she will wake up and stop thinking she is.She sometimes become a monster or become a liar,and instead fake loving somebody.

Jasmine Ng is kinda a fake *Cartoon name*. But lets hope she changed!

by LillyNgSumLui March 27, 2022

National Ng Day

on november 15th everybody turns their hair into a spiky cone and wears goggles + maybe an apron. and posts it on twitter with #ngday

kid 1: did you hear about national ng day?
kid 2: yeah i did " spikes hair "

by OOFGUY August 3, 2022



White booi: im in NG

Blak Man: u is da white you no in NG

by OneSmartyBoi March 6, 2019


a cool, funny person

i am ng ok

by hiiamlazy May 31, 2021


NG is an (EXTREMELY) staff biased server with horrible hit registration and strange CPS limits. This server is appreciated by tons of Minecraft Bedrock Edition players across the globe, and is managed by Indians that don't care about their community.

Hey! Want to get on a different server because the NG
Definitely! I think any server would be better than this.

by minecrafter XD? June 17, 2024


an acronym for the website 'Newgrounds'

guy 1: hey! check out this cool animation I found!
guy 2: yo that's a nice animation, where did you find it?
guy 1: I found it on ng
guy 2: oh ok. never heard of that website before.

by deimosthedumbass July 23, 2021