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National kiss your best friend day oct 18

If you have a bsf just kiss them🥰

National kiss your best friend day oct 18

by Jim Bakuq October 17, 2019

107👍 13👎

National smack your tall friends day (October 31)

National smack your tallest friend day.
This is for all the short people out

National smack your tall friends day (October 31)
you can smack all of your friends that are taller than you.

by Mayonnaise_boi October 30, 2019

90👍 13👎

National appreciate your friends day

On the 13th of november, it's National appreciate your friends day. You are now legally obligated to tell your friends you appreciate them.

Guy 1: Hey dude, it's National appreciate your friends day
Guy 2: that's a thing that exists
Guy 1: yeah
Guy 2: I appreciate you man
Guy 1: same

by Incredibly Small Child October 27, 2021

National hello kitty your friend day

On April 14, it is national hello kitty your friend day! On national hello kitty your friend day, you can kidnap your friend and make them buy you hello kitty plushies :DDD

I’m gonna kidnap my friends because it’s national hello kitty your friend day!

by Lunar_moonlight February 9, 2025

National Slow Friend Day

A national holiday to honor your slowest, dumbest friend

"Happy National Slow Friend Day Elda, from yours truly!"

by filthy mexican May 9, 2022

National friend appreciation day

December 1st tell a friend thank you :)

Hey friend thank you for being there

National friend appreciation day means saying thank you to the one that was there for you

by :) not the one December 1, 2021

National harass your discord friend day

On January 11 people get to harass there discord friends without being threatened or blocked

National harass your discord friend day:



by Clash is gay January 11, 2021