First cousin's great-great-granddaughter.
My first great-great-great-cousin-niece is a good person.
Half-sibling's great-great-granddaughter.
Half-sibling's great-great-granddaughter.
My half-great-great-great-niece is a good person.
Renisse is the type of person who will do anything for anyone. She has a great smile. A great listener and awesome. She's really, really, really pretty. She can dress and usually always has her hair done. She would say she's bold but really isn't. She loves food, clothes, and a lot of food.
That girl over there ---> she's fine, asf
That girl over there, her name must be Renisse (Ra-niece)
Your sibling’s granddaughter.
My mother is not a grandma, but her sister and brother are which means she has a few great-nieces.
My non-biological paternal grandfather has a super beautiful great-niece who is the granddaughter of his youngest brother.