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Noor Alraisi

Noor Alraisi is literally so gorgeous, funny, charismatic and intelligent. If you’re reading this you’re awesome and I love you soo much <3

That girl Noor Alraisi is soo charming wth <3

by Luv ya<3 November 22, 2021

afsheen hosne noor

A short lady who.But pretty,hates turtles and her little sister/cousin sometimes but is a great person

She is so pretty but why is she short?
Well because she is afsheen hosne noor!

by Nargis was here November 25, 2021

Noor naim

A girl who loves off the younger generations and begs it in ppls tiktok comments (don’t have it) she also gives noddy to mr asan for extra r1s and good phone calls home

Noor naim leave the ygs alone!

by Suck your nan December 12, 2022

Winkey noor

winkey means skinny it’s a nickname you add onto peoples name.

For example my friend noor iman is skinny so we call her winkey noor

by winkey noor March 29, 2023

noor mohammad

Noor mohammad is a tall guy. Everyone calls him camel. He is in love with fashion design but he doesn't dress like it. He always try to impress everyone with his false talk. He is going to marry a punk girl.

Noor mohammad is a tall guy. Everyone calls him camel. He is in love with fashion design but he doesn't dress like it. He always try to impress everyone with his false talk. He is going to marry a punk girl. Define

by November 23, 2021

Noor move

A noor move is someone that is a annoying fat f£££ and that they also do weird things and weird places so whenever you see your friend doing something call them a NOOR move

“I just took a shit and ate it

Me : “that’s a noor move right there”

by R2023 January 8, 2023

Open na noor

William Face

no sentence, just Tristan dies of laughter seeing Open na noor

by A name that people don’t know April 7, 2023