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A word used by "uwu girls" who think they are attractive.

Omg I just got a new dildo! Nya!!

by SIM.323 April 28, 2022


a cop-out way of pronouncing a (southern) Sudanese name. This can often be considered offensive.

"I keep messing up your name
I'll give you the nickname Nya"

by annalisekeating July 26, 2021


1: It’s “Meow” In Japanese

2: Furries usually say it and it pisses people off
3: Cats say it but they say it like “meow
4: Gacha kids use this because they are ducking losers

furry: NYA! Oh-
person: what the ruckus mcduckus stfu furry

by sayaka miki is hot December 7, 2021


What Japanese cats say.
Equivalent to "meow", but usually said in cringe contexts.
It's usually associated to cute stuff.

1. In Tokyo cats say "nya", not "meow"
2. "I want your kittens, nya"

by Piede January 1, 2022


Basic Catgirl/Catboy noise

Catgirl: "Mya!"
Catboy: "OwO Nya?!
*and then they fucked*

by TastyTurron December 8, 2021


nya is a cat noise

nya is a song as well

kawaii people like to use the song nya in there audio

"nya nya nya"

by Sanrionekos March 8, 2021


it means need you advice when your flipping homework is hardest hell and you're pissed off and need advice

NYA please help

by Muffled Cupcake August 6, 2021