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Oakland Style

Sexual foreplay consisting of two or more people standing naked several feet away from each other without ever touching, taking turns raping each other with their eyes.

Yeah, it wasn't performance art, we were just going at it Oakland Style.

by Abraham Thunderwolf October 16, 2011

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oakland blowjob

a sexual act in which a man uses shortning or baking grease to masturbate or as lubracant during sexual intercourse, followed but putting his penis in an oven, "frying" his penis, and then recieves oral sex. Named after the city of Oakland due to the masses of the african american poeples notorious for eating fried goods, most notabley fried chicken

Dude, i got my girlfriend to give me an oakland blowjob lastnight, it felt good, but now my dick is fried!!!

by PolishBeast69 March 2, 2009

12πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

Oakland Early College

Where the principal wears a clown nose, the counselor wears a shirt that says "the punisher", students answer the phone, the math teacher throws calculators at students, and the handicapped kid races the able-bodied kids down the hallway on his scooter.

Where do you go to school?

Oakland Early College
Oakland Early what?

by PurpleAndBlack May 27, 2011

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Oakland Police Depart

The worst police department, EVER!!! They don't do shit about the heavy crime in Oakland. It takes forever for them to show up after you report a crime. 69% of all the homicides in Oakland are never solved. They sit around and do nothing whatsoever, but they still collect overtime pay just for working a late night homicide. They're known for police brutality and the "Oakland Riders" incident. Look it up so you know what I'm talking about. As I type this up someone is probably getting shot or shot at and the O.P.D. are doing nothing.

Cop 1: Well he is most definitely dead...

Cop 2: We should harass innocent people and the community to try and get someone to tell us who did it.

Cop 1: I honestly don't care. I mean, we make about $98,000 a year. We shouldn't even try. The case might not get solved anyway.

And this is why Oakland Police Department ain't shit...

by It'sslimmmm November 22, 2013

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Oakland Raiders

The Oakland Raiders are a rising team in the toughest division in football with the exception of the San Diego Chargers. With a prized young QB in Derek Carr the Raiders are back in the Superbowl conversation.

Daughter: Dad I need a synonym for win
Dad: You should use the Oakland Raiders


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Oakland School For The Arts

Oakland School for the Arts (a.k.a. OSA) is an art high school located in Oakland, California. Once a cluster of portables and a gigantic tent in a parking lot (no, I am not kidding), the school moved into the newly-renovated Fox Theater in January 2008. It has gone through many changes, most notably the fluctuating dress code and student/teacher turnover rate.

Students there are required to participate in one of the school's arts emphasis. These include vocal music, instrumental music, visual arts, dance, literary arts, and arts management.

Dude #1: Why the hell are you wearing a collared shirt and corduroys?

Dude #2: I go to Oakland School for the Arts. They changed the dress code again.

by cakemonster August 17, 2009

20πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

oakland new jersey

A town in bergen county where half the town rides around in Range Rovers and the other half still drives mini vans. The boys and girls get a long fairly well here, even though the boys can be complete dicks and the girls can be somewhat try hard and major hoes. If you’re an average β€œOaklander” you will go to Juniors Pizzeria after school. And if you’re wondering how kids get there, they ride their bikes, or can be seen walking in large groups. At Indian Hills football games, occasionally the whole 7th and 8th grade go onto the hill and play football, even though there is one right in front of them. The girls tend to listen to music, while the boys play football and not pay attention to either of the two games going on. After ALL these games, everyone goes to Juniors. (and some white girls so to starbucks). This my friends, is oakland.

Wow did you see that hoe from Oakland New Jersey?!?!

by slurp22345 November 9, 2018

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