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A unit for measuring awesome.

I just decreased my carbon footprint! My awesome level just went up a few obamas.

by Becks Grevau January 6, 2008

2968๐Ÿ‘ 2885๐Ÿ‘Ž


A spineless failure who throws his constituents under the bus and then whines about how others made him do it.

The Obama had his candy stolen by a baby.

by Walker_422 November 10, 2014

775๐Ÿ‘ 696๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term for taking from one group and giving to another with no rhyme or reason, other than to buy votes.
Welfare, food stamps or similar socialistic programs.

I got my Obama check today. I gonna go buy some cigarettes and beer now.

by gsesos October 27, 2008

10395๐Ÿ‘ 10323๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of doubling down on a lie when clearly caught in a lie.

1. When I saw my new boyfriend sitting in the bar, holding hands with an Asian hottie, he told me it was his long-lost sister. I reminded him that he had claimed to be an only child. That's when he totally tried to Obama. He said he often blocked out memories, due to having been traumatized as a child. He said he was traumatized when his mom forgot to put syrup on his pancakes. Then I asked how it was that he was white and his 'sister' was Asian. He again Obamaed, saying that his dad had been a research scientist, and he and his 'sister' were the result of a genetics experiment gone wrong.

2. When the state trooper caught me driving in the HOV lane with an inflatable doll by my side, I tried to Obama him. I told him that I was supposed to be taking my girlfriend to work. I said she must have snuck the doll into my car, while she slipped out and stayed home, as a joke. He wrote me a ticket anyway.

by Hal, Luce, and Nate November 6, 2013

912๐Ÿ‘ 862๐Ÿ‘Ž


Obama a sacred cow that you are not supposed to criticize.

When I said I wouldn't vote for Obama because he didn't have a track record Judy went rabid on me.

by knowman April 12, 2008

7935๐Ÿ‘ 7918๐Ÿ‘Ž


The fourth black president, the first openly black president. The four black presidents are Linclon , Johnson, Clinton, and Obama.

Why do Obama and Linclon resemble each other? They are both black.

by knowman February 15, 2009

4119๐Ÿ‘ 4104๐Ÿ‘Ž


Socialist dictator

Obama-Constitution hater

by Gumparoodoo February 23, 2014

1055๐Ÿ‘ 944๐Ÿ‘Ž