The face you get Post Blow Job (as well as after chomping into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich): a look of pure ecstasy, punctuated by a silly grin. A look of supreme satisfaction.
Look at Jack, he's got that PB&J face again
Two gay people cover themselves in Peanut Butter and Jelly. And afterwards, have oral and anal sex, mixing the Peanut Butter and Jelly on eachother body's.
"Dude, last might me and my bf went dirty and did the Gay PB & J"
an acronym derived from the words "Prickass Buttmunch Jerkoff". Usage: when words fail to encapsulate the irritation factor of a certain individual. Ussually of a romantic interest gone awry.
"He's such a . . . what's the word? . . . Ah yes, PB n' J.
When you’re hittin it from behind and you pull out and your first load goes on her pussy, and the rest goes on her butt. Therefore it’s a pussy butt and jizz sandwich
Ayo Satan I just PB&J Sandwiched Eve, you proud?
When a woman is on her period and has a poopy butt and you’re having mad sex and bust the vagina and butthole barrier and make a fried pb&j
Got so fucked up with Sarah last night we had a fried pb&j and had to go to the 24 emergency care center