"That dude is such an Ex-LETI PR Manager McDeer!"
Butt PR or Butt Pull Request is similar to "butt dial" or "pocket dial" but is when a person, usually an IT professional, such as a applications developer, accidently creates a "Pull Request" from their unlocked cell phone, tablet or computer.
Daniel just created a Pull Request to merge his POC branch in master! This must be an accident! Did he Butt PR this?
“ ##PR “ is commonly associated with underground rappers like kankan or summrs , “##PR” means pack runner
lemme go run that shit
“ damn he a pack runner fr “ ##PR
an unflopped department, unflopped, success of LeMonde Airlines
*Hey, what's better OS or PR?
Are you joking? PR department is literally unflopped....
you're business is like the pr department!
1. Ace in public relations, like Edward Bernays himself, 100% pro, level 9999999, god of PR.
2. Faggot. Not gay. Not homosexual. Faggot. A very bad person.
- Do you know who Edward Bernays was?
- Yeah, he was a real PR-ace.
- True!
A platter of the three delicacies of asian culture, Porkmonkey, Ryce, and Sueshi.
Find your delicious PRS Platter at the price of $5.45 at your local grocery store.