A chat that is being flooded with messages and is hard / impossible to keep in track of what is going on,
similar to the game PUBG (Player unknown's battle grounds) where at the beginning people are just screaming random shit before the game start
Man that chat on Lofi Girl's youtube is just a PUBG Channel
An overpowered cast iron pan that can block .338 lapua in game, yet in real life, can’t stop a .45 ACP
Jay: Dude how did you not die?
Bryan: The guy hit the pan
Jay: The PUBG pan is OP
The wet fart squad member in PUBG who sits at the back saying he can’t see people while his team gets killed just so he can stay safe and steal all their stuff.
Jon Keane is a pussy pubg leach
££: Hey why do you think Fortnite is bad?
÷÷: Ugh... it is so unrealistic...
££: Its overrating is kind of annoying but come on I'm not willing to take a NASA supercomputer to run PUBG...
÷÷: Your computer sucks then,
££: A game doesn't have to realistic to be good I don't understand a PUBG player
Specifically, if your IGN is PewツPaɴda, you're literally garbage and you'll never reach ace.
Guy 1: PewツPaɴda is the worst PUBG Player I've ever seen
Guy 2: Same.