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Pandora boxing

When your homie starts playing that one radio station that you can't stand just to piss you off and you end up beating his ass

Man, ed kept playing that damn nickleback station so I started pandora boxing him till he quit

by GrimThaReaper December 26, 2017

Pandora Wars

A game in which you and your friends play different stations on Pandora.com

It's all about having fun and finding new music.

Person 1: Hey you want to play Pandora Wars?

Person 2: I like Spotify Wars more.

Person 1: Hey as long as good music is being played, that's all that matters!

by InterstellerEndeavor395 June 21, 2018

Pandora’s Snatch

A woman that is both loose and slutty.

There was a faint taste of Doritos in her undies. I mustn’t have been the only one to open up Pandora’s snatch today.

by FudgeCycle69 June 17, 2022

Pandora's Box

In Project Zomboid, Pandora's Box means when you open a door of any building and a horde of zombies appears after you open it. catching you off guard and most likely resulting in your death

Person: "Damn, all 4 of us died because we opened Pandora's Box." (Louisville Grand Ohio mall)

by Zepherixs August 17, 2023

Pandora glue

When you can't leave your desk because Pandora is playing every song you've ever loved.

I really had to step out to pee but I couldn't. I was held in place with Pandora glue.

by Emarie21 June 16, 2016