A real fan vs a fake fan:
Real fans:
Don’t judge people based on how many songs they know or how long they’ve been a fan
Are happy when they see that P!ATD gets a new fan, meaning the fan base is increasing.
Knows at LEAST 3 song names and a song by heart (not necessary though)
Fake fans:
Knows only one song and calls themselves “#1 fan”
Only likes Panic! At The Disco for one song
Example of both:
(#1 = fan. #2 = fake fan. #3 = medium.)
#3: cool. What’s your favorite song?
#2: High Hopes.
#1: Mine’s Northern Downpour
#2: wat’s that
#3: Is it Pretty. Odd?
#1: Yes, it is.
#3: Oh I’m not crazy about Pretty. Odd. I kinda enjoy a mixture of all of them. A little Pray For the Wicked, a lot of Death of a Bachelor, a tad bit of A Fever You Can’t Sweat out, etc.
#2: what’s that? are those other bands?
#3: They’re all albums.
#2: oh HAHAHA I totally knew that HAHA
#1: well what’s your top 3 songs?
#3: My fav is The Ballad of Mona Lisa, then House of Memories, then either Vegas Lights or Hallelujah.
#1: nice. What about you, “#2”
#2: high hopes. dat’s it. the others are bad
#3: ...
#1: sure. If you want, you can go on Spotify and search up, “This Is Panic! At The Disco” They have a lot of good songs on them you can try to learn.
#2: I don’t need that!
Soph: I LOVE Panic! At The Disco! My fav song is LA Devotee
Cath: Oh. You like Death of a Bachelor?
Soph: nah the song’s too slow
Cath: I was talking about the album...
The only band worth listening to
Panic! At The Disco is the only good band
Just know this: If someone says its a band, all the Emos in the world will cry.
Person: Have you ever heard of the band 'Panic! at The Disco
Me: *cri cri* No! I haven't...
Back in the 70s they used to call heroin "panic", so there was heroin at the disco
There was panic! at the disco
we've all agreed to call Brendon Urie "panic at the disco" even though we know it's just him
a fruity band whose music is heard at all Gap Lacoste Abercrombie stores
i was goin to foot locker when i passed by Gap and heard Panic! at the Disco music........it was really gay but the queers who were buying under-sized $85 polo shirts were enjoying it
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sexxi ass band of the burlesque punk genre
what a wonderful caricature of intimacy...panic! at the disco
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