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Periodt John

PERIODT John” means something important to the steppers/dancers at DSSD studios in Decatur Georgia

We got first placeperiodt john

by nokapp.z June 17, 2019


Some odd song.

Periodt ahh periodt uhh

by The_urban_dictionarian October 15, 2022


A word k-pop stans use to mean yes, or truthful. Most people that use this word will try and tell you to kill yourself if you don't like kpop, so beware.

"omg spill queen yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas periodt slayfuck incels killyourself incel

by bAAAtteries March 27, 2021


The act of one (or more) female(s) sucking on eachothers roastbeef mud flaps.

Female 1: “periodt
Female 2: “she has roast beef mudflaps

by AMOS: itsmoron20 January 21, 2022


The most shittiest thing ever 2 say

P1: i passed my exams !
P2: Periodt

P1: *blocks*

by RoshazDefinitons November 18, 2022


An ending of a sentence. A "case closed" but in one word.

Janice: Gurl, if he can't support himself, how can he support me?

Tasha: He can't. And that's on periodt.

by Pookers. December 14, 2023


Term used by grill who shall not be named because she can’t spell and will make you look up periods in pubescent teenage women

*sends inspiring quotes and picture*
*looks up period*
*ptsd kicks in*

by G9m3bl0zer April 28, 2022