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Jordan Peterson

A logical fallacy where one of the sides attempts to discredit the opposition by painting the other side as incapable of arguing on the topic, by pointing out a source about the topic (which is mostly too long to skim through in a short time) and stating that they must scan the said source extensively before they can talk about the said topic.

It is a combination of "red herring" and projected "self-incredulity" intended to act as a setback for the opposition or to cut off the exchange by saying "You don't understand this topic well enough to talk about it".

It is named after "Jordan Peterson" as he is often known for using this tactic.

Example 1
Representative A: I wouldn't want to drop a Jordan Peterson here, but reading the work of (insert author/thinker) named (insert source/research name) is a must if we want to discuss this.

Example 2
Debator 1: It is not morally acceptable to suggest that the concept of human emotions can be put under an objective standard.

Debator 2: Well, in the work of "Sam Harris" named "The Moral Landscape", he talks about this topic extensively as to why this argument can be made. The suggested reasoning is not to divert our focus into utilitarianism, but to use it to identify what is beneficial for our well-being, which Sam Harris defines as the source of moral thinking.

Debator 1: I would have to disagree with that reasoning, and for that, I will be referring to (insert a counterpoint source or research). The reasoning of Q (author or thinker of the counterpoint) shows how your argument falls to pieces when faced with their deduction.

Debator 2: If you could elaborate on their reasoning, perhaps we can talk more about the topic and expand upon our debate through that.

Debator 1: I mean I could, but I don't think condensing a 600-page study into a few sentences can do it justice. And not to mention that we don't have the time tonight to go over all of the contents.

Debator 2: How are we supposed to continue our exchange then?

Debator 1: Read it, all of it, and come back. Then we can continue.

by Doge of Chamberlain October 12, 2023

4👍 4👎

annie peterson

Unusually "cool" and attractive. Has a peculiar ability to sweat from 99% of body surface area and turn it into art that's said to make Michelangelo cry. Has abnormally large hands used for performing various and virtually unlimited small tasks and chores generally dealing with common household problems, but includes a special 'knack' for all things "AFLETIC". Person whose body has curves that rival winding roads among the Andes Mountains. An Amazon woman with the strength and agility of a lioness. Some have said she is BUTCH in nature, possessing unprecedentedly large veins on the neck and biceps.

Damn, I've seen some big toes in my life, but annie peterson is cooler than deep space. literally.

by bigoltoes88 August 16, 2013

Trash peterson

A vegan super star of perth wa. She raises awareness of veganism by yelling at butchers and customers. Her personal experience with animals is by breaking into factories farming. Her educational knowledge of being an activist is by using Google. Her part time job to cover costs of being an activist is selling pictures of herself nude in the name of animals. She is the super hero of all vegans.

Oh yeah that lady who I inspire to be as a vegan
I remember her she was on channel 7 news for her activism

Trash peterson is who all the kids want to be like

by Miss.good.vibes May 10, 2023

Katie Peterson


Katie Peterson

by StephenSuck18 October 25, 2019

Patrick Peterson

The Top shutdown cornerback in the NFL. He will ruin any recievers day. It's very hard to catch a pass when within 100 feet of this man.

Ben: You haven't caught one ball I've thrown to you today.
Antonio: Well... I am being covered by Patrick Peterson.

by FBKing100 April 24, 2016

Peterson Punch

To shut down an angry, extreme feminist with pure logic, words only, non-physical. (No women were harmed in the making of this statement)

I was speaking to this girl at the bar and she started bringing up loads of extreme feminist views, so I gave her a Peterson Punch.

by NomadWordMaker January 8, 2021

Gus Peterson

Gus Peterson is gay and lives in west orange New Jersey.

You are being a Gus Peterson rn.

by Sex_Noises December 1, 2019