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Game Phases

When somebody goes through a mentally insane phase where they play a game for a week make there profile picture the game make there life the game and then the next week its a different game. Pretty much everything for the week revolves around the game.

Colins current game phases is Undertale and his profile picture and everything about his is undertale themed.
Nick Is going through a roblox game phase and cant stop thinking about it

by pancakespell February 22, 2022

Kathy Phase

Kathy Phase is being in love with Kathy. Unconditionally. You're ready to do anything for her, just to please her and make her happy and satisfied. Once you've entered that phase, there is no coming back. Because it is not a phase. Once you're in love with her, she shall be your first and last thought every day for the rest of your life.

"Man, as much as I don't wanna admit it, I'm loving my Kathy Phase!"
"Me too, bro."

by kristmassocks January 2, 2022

Fickle Phase

A girl who shows changing mind, behavior, attitude to her friends. It also refers to "Changing decisions without any reason".

Last week , Sable went through a Fickle Phase and ditched her close companions. Nobody knows the reason for the sudden change in her behavior.

by Moulish Rated - R Punk June 15, 2015

talking phase

the period in a relationship which lasts for an indeterminable amount of time in which the primary constituent of relations between the two (usually) parties consists of talking, and in which there is no sex; may lead to the friend zone

How long is the talking phase supposed to last before we can have sex? I'm afraid that I'm going to get stuck in the friend zone.

by freeskater98 January 19, 2011

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phase shark

In US Air Force tech schools, (as of the mid 2000s) there is a "phase" system, wherein the longer you have been in tech school, the more freedoms and privileges you have.

A "phase shark" is someone who hangs around with people in a lower phase than they are in the hopes of scoring with them when they finally have enough freedom to (reasonably and without breaking any laws) have sex. It is usually the guys who are guilty of phase sharking, due to them vastly outnumbering women in the military.

The term almost always has derogatory connotations. I suspect a lot of that comes from people who are jealous that they didn't think to start hitting on that hot 1st phaser sooner themselves.

It's somewhat akin to an upperclassman dating freshmen.

"The main way I got laid in tech school was by phase sharking"

"Christ that guy is such a blatant phase shark!"

by ex-phase-shark December 4, 2007

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meme phase

a phase of memes you and your friends go through.

"remember when you used to play willy wonka music all the time?"
"yeah i remember that meme phase."

by austined January 8, 2017

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rainbow phase

A phrase commonly used by Lgbt members referring to the time in an lgbt members life when they were obsessed with rainbows

Awe you're in your rainbow phase,mine lasted three years

by RainbowDove March 29, 2016

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