Place a healthy glob of peanut butter on your girls genitalia, then let the house cat lick it. You the man proceed to dip your fingers in a glass of water then go directly to the electric outlet and jam them fingers in it. When you feel the shock, stick you fingers from the other hand in the cats ass. This will send the shock threw the cat into your lady’s bits….. Hence, “The Purr Box.”
Honey grab the peanut butter , and a glass of water please , and bring the cat ? Let’s “The” purr box
The noise you make when you hock a big Spanian type golly.
This dawg is putrid “fwer purr”
A pervert because it gives the impression of them as they arelly are, someone who loves sex and pleasure and most people and is an all around nice person. They reject society's values because they know there stupid and as a result can have amazing sexual aventures and people in the know wish they were them.
He's a purr bird.
"Have you checked out Petey's purr-fect surprise yet?"