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Angery raccoon

Stick your finger in a butthole, yell their name. They turn around draw circles around their eyes with the feces that is on your finger. They run out of the house and knock the trash can over.

I was with a girl last night did the angery raccoon. I haven't seen her since.

by Coeus_Press March 28, 2016

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Thirsty Raccoon

a sexual maneuver in which a man ejaculates in his partner's mouth, then proceeds the punch her in each eye giving her instant black eyes.

My friend's girlfriend was on her period, so he gave her a thirsty raccoon.

by ThatDude83 September 8, 2010

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butt raccoons

When 2 or more persons are rimming the ass in the dark and someone walks in on them!

Get away from that ass you butt raccoons

by Ethel Rosenbaum July 26, 2007

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raccoon tan

A slang term for the pale parts of a person's face left by sunglasses, goggles or facemasks when the person has been sunburned or tanned by being out in the direct sun for long periods of time. So-called from the person's facial resemblance to the black 'mask' pattern of a raccoon.

After climbing to the top of the mesa, Jan took off his glasses to clean them and was puzzled by Jane and Louis' howls of laughter. Although his face was burnt a deep brown by their day-long trek in the desert, his pallid eye-sockets underneath revealed a nasty raccoon tan.

by MAC-Gyver May 27, 2003

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raccoon style

Fucking in the garbage can and biting their ass like cheese while the partner rips out the others pubic hair and finds trash in the garbage and shoves it up the others butt hole all the way so no trash or pubic hair is showing, knowing of course from experience.

I had raccoon style with this hobo chick I found on the street.

by Phil Baylafur December 4, 2014

Raccoon Raid

When you're broke as fuck and can't afford to buy food, thus, you go to your parents house to raid their pantry.

Yo Joseph, we don't get paid for a few days and have no money for food, wanna go pull a raccoon raid?

by MoveFatKid September 18, 2017

Toasted Raccoon

A trans-Atlantic derogative of indeterminate origin, generally used to berate someone who is deemed to be inferior. Usage is widely believed to date back to World War II, where it was a popular ethnophaulism among the American forces, used as a slang term for recently deceased members of the Axis Powers, particularly Japan.

"You've broken the chain on my favourite bicycle you toasted raccoon! I'm going to muck your face to shreds for this!"

"I shot down several Jappo's last night, most of them ejected but I'm pretty certain that at least one of them was toasted raccoon, his parachute didn't open, haha!"

by Minotawr October 13, 2011