Source Code

ranch crotch

what happens when you get over-zealous with condiments causing you to drop them in your lap.

"After my bottomless fries at Red Robin I had a bad case of ranch crotch."

by Bekkkkk October 15, 2007

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


when you say something is yukky,
its very much the same as ranched
it can all so mean the sause that has ranch and mayo lol

the first example is "That boy is very ranched"

The second example is "when i go to hungry jacks i ike to eat ranch, but now i like ranched because its mayo too"

by TAY:) May 13, 2008

2πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

ranch raccoon

A nickname used for whites people used by poc.

Those ranch raccoons never shut up

by FEiV December 3, 2020

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ranch Van

A large van that transports kids (mainly first nations) with shitty parents (usually drug and alcohol abusers) from group homes to participate in various activities such as swimming at the leisure center, shopping at the mall or grabbing food at 7-Eleven. Named for the Ranch Ehrlo Society in Saskatchewan.

I couldn't find parking at the local pool because of all the ranch vans.

by Joe Dirt SK69 March 23, 2022

Avery Ranch

A suburb in North Austin full of asians and white people. West of Parmer has all the cheap townhomes full of weirdos and the East has all the nice houses with normal people.

House prices only go up because the school district is good so all the people from California move here and pay crazy prices to raise their family here.

Nothing notable has happened except some kid crashed a stolen car into someone’s backyard and killed some people.

Person 1: β€œHey where do you live?”

Person 2: β€œAvery Ranch.”

Person 1: β€œLucky. I live in Brushy Creek because i’m poor.”

by Nawgie February 4, 2021

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

ladera ranch

A town in Orange County, CA where everybody lives inside a bubble and has no idea what goes on in the real world because they're too busy shopping at Brandy Melville. It's a small town so when you go on a jog you're bound to see someone you know. There's a bunch of boys who skate and it's incredibly annoying because they think they're better than anyone who doesn't. Everyone is white, rich, and spoiled. All the moms are annoying and talk really loud and have babies that scream in the middle of the grocery store. All the people at Ladera Ranch Middle School are cringey, spoiled kids that think they're better than everyone they meet. If you're a normal kid and don't match the normal attitudes of Ladera Ranch kids, then it will be hard to find friends here. It's mainly the little kids who are annoying and cringey here. The highschoolers are okay, only if you have a group of friends that you like. Ladera Ranch is the most annoying town I've ever been in, don't ever come to live here. I'd rather be in New York City than this community.

"Oh shit, you're moving to Ladera Ranch? You're not going to turn all rich and white, are you?"

"Ugh that is such a Ladera Mom."

"That kid totally comes from Ladera Ranch. He's white and a spoiled brat."

by I wish I lived in New York Cit August 9, 2017

101πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Raisin Ranch

An old folks home. Where you drop your parents off when they get old, and are pretty much useless. I hope I never get old.

"You'd better start walking, or I'll drop you at a Raisin Ranch", said Karen to her Mother.

"My Mom works at a raisin ranch, cleaning old people's asses", I said.

"You're headed straight for the raisin ranch when you retire, Ed!" I exclaimed.

by pallybear December 23, 2005

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž