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When a dog dominates a person it is a roganizer. The person being dominated is a rogan

Rogan:" I got a new puppy its a total roganizer."

by ToxicPeePee November 22, 2019


Verb; A strange occurrence where someone begins to act more like Joe Rogan the more of his podcast they watch.

"I think Stan Is Roganing. He won't stop talking about elk meat and DMT"

by Crowley Widawake January 24, 2021


When beta males exaggerate the truth in order to seek social relevance

The little bartender at the Irish pub constantly uses roganisms to gain popularity

by eirebartender August 27, 2023

Joe Rogan experience

The name of the up-and-coming street drug combination. Originating in Cecil county, Md the ‘Joe Rogan experience’ is a smokable combination (unknowingly present in most vape pens) of DMT and a lethal dose of Fentanyl

The goal of which being to break through just moments before slipping into the afterlife.

Survivors recall visions of angelic dodecahedrons bestowing knowledge to those who believe.

Yo bro, I’ve had enough - pass me the Joe Rogan Experience!

by TrumpSquidFishingVideo October 23, 2023

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Joe Rogan experience

The name of the up-and-coming street drug combination. Originating in Cecil county, Md the ‘Joe Rogan experience’ is a smokable combination (unknowingly present in most vape pens) of DMT and a lethal dose of Fentanyl

The goal of which being to break through just moments before slipping into the afterlife.

Survivors recall visions of angelic dodecahedrons bestowing knowledge to those who believe.

Yo bro, I’ve had enough - pass me the Joe Rogan Experience!

by TrumpSquidFishingVideo October 23, 2023

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Rogans BSF

Referring to Rogans Best Friend, particularly a freshmen that doesn’t like to take the blame for being Rogans sidekick. A fiend that likes to get pushed into lockers. (Rohan-Junior) ( fiendy freshmen)

Example: “Fiend(no name mentioned) why do you blame a junior(no name mentioned) for being Rogans BSF(best friend)

by PandaBoxer000_[ December 12, 2022


R.I.P. Joe Rogan 😥

On 26 August, 2024, Joe Rogan died after a shootout with the police. He will be missed 😭 RIP JOE ROGAN

by y0ur_pseud0nym August 27, 2024