Sex on the phone or sex over the phone
Hey, would you be down for some sop?
An acronym for Sudden Onset Pooping Syndrome which is the sudden intense urge to need to poop which comes out of nowhere
Bob: Uh oh I have to shit!
Tyler: Why didn’t you go earlier?
Bob: I’ve got SOPS man!
it is another way to say stop and another word for soup
dude sop doing that to me , it hurts
i brought some sop for school today
do u like sop
someone who is very slow and stupid. slang usually used in Britain
you : i just won £100,000,000
them : really?
you : no you, sop!
This wicked dude word is like a kick in the butt. I use it as another form of ‘what’s up’ or ‘sup’. This is only a cooler word which is only used by full-of-them-selves-people. These kinds of people are generally nose and butt pickers who spend most of their time picking at their butt hole and sticking their finger right up their nose.
Guy one: sop dude
Guy two: oh you that kind of person...
Guy one: what kind????
Guy two: A biatchy nose picker *shakes head*