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Super Saiyan 100

Its fake. Highest Super saiyan form is 4 right now.

My power is Multiplied x100! The difference between a super saiyan and a super saiyan 100 is just x100 times more stronger,

by LeagueOfDavid February 7, 2019

Full Power Super Saiyan

The Super Saiyan form Achieved by Broly (DBS) In Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The Form has Green hair.

It’s Full Power Super Saiyan. (Yea it’s a stupid name)

by Topax February 29, 2024

Super Saiyan Infinity

Super Saiyan Infinity is the strongest form of the Super Saiyan transformation to ever exist. Though not canon, this form is so powerful that it can destroy the entire multiverse before you even notice. If he is careless enough to pull a finger, an entire solar system will seize to exist.

Guy 1 asks: Hey you know anything that can beat even beat Beerus?
Guy 2 says: Super Saiyan Infinity.

by DesTehPoor January 5, 2022

Super Saiyan Dump

When you take a shit all so mighty that you may hit your head on a wall or floor.Then as you process to shit your penis is in the toilet water and as you flush it gets sucked and swirled in the water below.

When i was at Camp I took The Biggest Super Saiyan dump and it felt gross

by cosmicgaming January 29, 2016

Stupid Saiyan

Def 1. Stupid Saiyan is an advanced transformation utilized by people who reach the highest levels of stupid to achieve it.

Orgin. The Phrase "Stupid Saiyan"was first created on May 19 2023, by J. Biggie to Describe Leonidas Aka Damion. When he achieved the highest levels of stupid.

Bro, you just went Stupid Saiyan 2.

by J Biggie May 19, 2023

low key saiyan

low key saiyan (low•key•say•in)
Joins parties and say hello hello.
Say the birdy ritual “low key saiyan why you such a saiyan,” when you see such a low key saiyan.
The saiyan will make everyone wanna commit suicide from saying the birdy ritual.

And would randomly scream “FUCK YOU” in a weird tone of voice at random matters.

Guy 1:Why you so garbage at 2k?!
Guy 2: Becuase I’m just low key saiyan.

by Low Key Saiyan April 10, 2019

Saiyan Swagger

This means the swag is off the hook and that you are just looking Beyond Awesome

Bitch don’t hate on my Saiyan Swagger

by Dr.T_fame February 18, 2019