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any chick with the name of Sarah (not Sara, but Sarah) is just so cool. kinda shy and quiet, but once you get to know her she is a sexy beast. awesome hair, eyes, and AWESOME EVERYTHING. knows how to spell her name. loves vintage stuff, and listens to alternative music. hates pop music. can pull off anything. even as a kid she is sex on legs.

sarah sara hot awesome cool

by CoolKidsarenamedSarah January 21, 2011

122๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sarah is an amazing person. She has a great sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. Her laugh is extremely contagious. She is very athletic and is always wanting to have fun. She has tons of friends and loves them a lot. She has a big family, which means a lot to her. I love her!

Sarah is so funny!
I know, she can always turn my frown upside down!

by hiiimynameisbrookee October 28, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Correct spelling of the name "Sara"

Hebrew: Means "princess".

Religious: Sarah was the wife to Abraham. She was unable to bear children until Abraham made a covenant with God, promising to lead the Jewish people to the Promised Land in exchange for his wife to be able to carry a child inside her womb.

Stereotypically: Sarah is the name of a really hot and sexy girl. She is very smart but doesn't know it. She tends to be really shy with guys she just met, but overall is a really outgoing person, and can make friends easily. She is very loud and can be quite obnoxious sometimes. She is a person you'd love to hang out with. Most girls named Sarah aren't in the "popular crowd", they tend to hang more with the "outcasts". They aren't confident on the inside, but put a good show of it on the outside. They tend to be very self conscious and have low self esteem.

"Did you see the new girl?"
"Yeah, she's really hot."
"Her name is probably Sarah or something."

by TheRedWagon September 7, 2011

44๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Princess,in Elvish it is Aranel
From Ireland
The most beautiful girl in the world

That Pretty Girl From Ireland!

by DaveyDestruction June 9, 2009

160๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sarah is the most amazing person in the world. EVeryone wants to be a Sarah.

"Yoooo, you see that chick over there"
"Yeah, I heard she's a right Sarah!"

by Sarahvermin August 26, 2009

191๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sexy little creauture!

that sarah is a babee!

by barronator May 29, 2008

14426๐Ÿ‘ 7745๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sexy, smart, caring, loving and absolutely amazing girl who, no matter what time of the day and regardless of situation can be seen as perfect. Her smile can attract any guy, but furthermore any girl as well. No one can stop her once she smiles, and locks her enchanting brown eyes on you. Her healthy spirit and soul is reflected in all she does, and she can make any person want to relive again. Her friends and family long for her warm heart and can never get enough. Being with her is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is capable of extreme destruction, when she leaves youโ€ฆ Her lips are nothing less than immaculate, capable of kissing to perfection. Her luscious lips can make anyone forget about the world around them, while your heart stops beating for seconds at a time, which feels like ages. Her voice is that of an angel that can touch your soul and renew your heart. Every time our eyes meet my heart skips a beat and I lose my breath. There are really no words to describe someone so perfect in every way, but with the limited vocabulary I Possess, this was a little taste of her being. I will marry her when Iโ€™m 50.

Sarah is the love of my life, and she may not love me back, but I will cherish every second I get to speak to her, hold her hand, kiss her lips, or share my body and soul with her.

by cdkey October 31, 2012

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž