(n.) 3. The biggest waste of money
Did you get lucky after that expensive date? Nothing! It was a bigger waste of money than the Maryland Senate.
Sheev Palpatine, Also known as Darth Sidious
Windu: the senate will decide your fate
Palpatine: I am the senate
Windu: Not. Yet
Palpatine: it’s treason, then *AAAAAAAUGH*
i'll try spinning, thats a good SENAHT. (misspelling of The Senate)
When you teabag someone then take a shit in their mouth and top it off with a firecracker like a shitsplosion
Josh boardman loves senating his sister in the night
senator who was tried in the OJ trial, often used as an exclamation to call someone a derogatory term, friend of DJ Khaled
Shut up senator binky because you wasn’t even there!
Harry's Senator McGee, politics and power, from Buffy Mayor to Oppenheimer Senator, What a leap!
Example of how it's used in a sentence:
Person 1: Harry Groener's in Oppenheimer?
Person 2: It's Harry Groener as Senator McGee. Gone from Mayor in Buffy to Senator, man!
Quite possibly the worst joke of a franchise in NHL history today. They have the talent of a mediocre AHL team and their star players all request and instant trade upon seeing how bad things are.
I root for the Ottawa Senators. I promptly visit my therapist after the game ends.