Creating madness with a sharpie and or other thick tipped pen.
On the bathroom wall is a bunch of sharpie madness written about Rockawesome.
When the girl/guy at chipotle accidentally drops the sharpie pen into the lettuce container.
Dang?!?!? She just tried to give you sharpie lettuce.
When you sharpen your pencil so much that the led falls out.
Brotha, that pencil was sharpy-sharp!!
Attempting to control the weather using nothing more than a marking pen and a map..
Looks like Hurricane Sharpie has veered towards Kansas now!!
To go to comically inept and frequently fraudulent lengths to support a claim (to the point of altering the actual stats/maps/data with a sharpie and presenting it "real")
He went the full sharpie to defend his ludicrous claim
That guilty feeling you get when you see that you've left the cap off on your highlighter overnight
When after taking a shit and wiping, it seems like you're sitting on a brown Sharpie because that toilet paper doesn't get any whiter.
I wait so much I thought I was going to run off toilet paper it was like I was sitting on a "BROWN SHARPIE!"