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Smol bean

Small and cute. Something you want to hide away from the world and protect. Deserves to be rolled into a burrito blanket and snuggled.

Zack believes that Hannah is a smol bean, yet he is incorrect as HE is the smollest of beans.

by Chuuya's_knobC November 12, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

smol bean

the smol bean community is the type of people you find on roblox that say this type of stuff โ€œUwu, ;-; owo sowwy baka :V i wuv you and use this ๐Ÿฅบโ€ thatโ€™s the type of people you donโ€™t wanna even talk to look at or they will start saying those words to u which is bad we donโ€™t like smol beans. smol beans are roblox pick meโ€™s donโ€™t fuck with them iโ€™m telling u donโ€™t even look at them. if you make them mad they will start calling you โ€œbissโ€ which means bitch or they will say โ€œpwease leave๐Ÿฅบโ€ which is also bad asf never fuck with them please and if u are one of them gtfo change for the better. literally no one likes u except ur own breed.

my friends and i: oh donโ€™t tell me thatโ€™s a smol bean coming towards us please please.

smol bean: ;-; am i short ;-; i think iโ€™m vewy vewy short just like a little smol bean :3 iโ€™m so small xd

by fanii March 17, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smol boy

A adorable boy, one who must be protected at all costs. An innocent child who we all love.

"Rian is 100% smol boy. Look at how cute he is. We must protect him.

by teasis...sksksk November 6, 2019

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smol Bean

Philip Michael Lester.

The description said it all. โ€œPhilip Michael Lester, what a sMoL bean.โ€

by LilPump0769 January 31, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

smol doggo

A doggo that is smol but not smol enough to be a pupper. It is born a smol pupper and later grows up being small itself. It eats smol foods and plays with itโ€™s kind. Smol doggos are sassy and like to stay away from big doggos because they do not like the Bork. The smol doggo lives to 13-15 years but it becomes immortal when it grows a third eye. Itโ€™s natural habitat is the common suburban house. The smol doggo has lived through centuries and will live many more.

Person 1: Aww! Cute puppy! What breed is it?
Person 2: Smol doggo, no pupper here.

by GarlicSause January 2, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

smol bean

A person who is cute and innocent.

Nick is a smol bean.
Summer is a smol bean too!

by Ahmoud Ali November 21, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

smol bean

very annoying human. acts so adorable when they are extremely annoying.

becka: omg a smol bean!!!


by cryinq January 27, 2021

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