When you (or more usually, your loser roommate) hires a prostitute on Craigslist or other online website, and that prostitute steals something when he/she leaves.
The prostitute cannot be tracked down, thanks to the anonymity of the internet. You don't have a name, you don't know where they live, they are just gone. Anything can be ho-snagged, although small valuables that wont be missed until later are the most common: cellphones, netbooks, etc. However, if the john is into bondage, this allows the ho-snagger to take bigger ticket items: TVs, stereos, computers couches, etc.
The theft could occur afterwards as well, as the prostitute may just case the place during the initial business transaction.
"I used to have a nice stereo, but I went home to visit my folks last weekend and it got ho-snagged. I wish my dumbass roommate would stop hiring anonymous hookers from Craigslist!"
Using a temporarily open computer even though you know that someone was using it and will return momentarily.
My brother got pissed because I computer snagged him.
The act of a gay individual and or faggot stealin ya shit.
I went out to da club last night, and my phone got fag snagged.
A McVitty Snag is a variation of the Full Monty treatment from a male stripper.
Typically a stripper performing a McVitty Snag has a less-than-impressive dong, and usually gets clients to be involved with the process, trying to find said dong, due to its minuscule size.
Experience can be improved by implementing a Jim Tam.
"He gave me the McVitty Snag treatment. It wasn't very impressive, but it was okay I guess."
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When a man has completed urinating and is in a hurry to put the equipment away and get back to whatever he was doing. In the process he gets his "bag" or at least some skin caught in the zipper. The resulting pain is caused by "bag snag".
In a rush to get back to the poker table I suffered a "bag snag" when zipping up.
Don't be in such a hurry or you could suffer from a "bag snag".
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The snag sanga is just like a sausage sandwich, only Aussie. This delicious mixture of bread and perfectly cooked sausage is best made at your local Bunnings Warehouse! Sauce and onions are optional.
(sometimes best served charred)
How to make:
Step 1: Get a juicy beef sausage and yeet it onto the bbq, just like putting shrimp on the barbie. Then, you cook it for about 5 mins, constantly turning it until the sides are a dark brown colour.
Step 2: Get a nice piece of soft, white bread and place the snag inside. Eat in 2 big bites.
'Hey mate, have you got your snag sanga yet?'
'Yeah bro, and it's delicious!'
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When you find a seemingly meaningless fact about someone and are able to draw the conclusion they are homosexual from it.
chick: "Look at that guys bumper sticker! 'i <3 P-Town'. OMG i luvvv Provincetown !!
Me: "He's gay."
pedestrian crossing sidewalk: "FAG SNAG!"
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