Being very angry/upset about something and then ranting about it. In extreme form: going a bit crazy.
"If that oven doesn't get fixed soon I'm going to have a spag."
"My mum had a right spag at me the other day for coming home late."
It is the name of grace shanley
Jack- “tell spag a saurus I said hi”
Grace shanley- “hi jack”
A slur that is used to insult bitchy and retarded people
Person 1: All white people are racist
Person 2: shut the fuck up you spag-ball
A person who is pushes their spiritual BS on people, and I don’t mean the good stuff. I mean the “I did acid once and now my third eye is open and I’m smarter than you”. Someone who can’t spell. Someone who cheats on their boyfriend a million times and still acts entitled. A liar. Someone who is only nice to people so they’ll look good to someone they’re trying to fuck. Someone who uses men for sex and money until they finds someone slightly richer. Someone who gets mad at their ex for dating someone new.
Spag = “spiritual” and “f@g” put together.
“Did you hear what she said to me?”
“Yeah, dude, she’s such a spag.”
someone who is spineless, cowardly, and weak willed. one that has no personal drive due to being a pussy. similar to a wet, flaccid noodle (eg. cooked spaghetti)
Brad: “ yo ryan, you see terry pussy out of that bar fight?”
Ryan: “ yeah dude what fucking spag”
Noun special person who packs your bag
When spags put the eggs on the bottom