Dialectical Spiritualism, also Dialectical Supernaturalism, Dialectical Occultism and Dialectical Esotericism, is a spiritualist theory that political, historical and social events result from the interaction between physical and extraphysical forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is believed to be caused by the material needs and extraphysical needs and the interaction and connection between both.
"I like dialectical spiritualism, it might be useful when people consider to study about deistology, spiritology, extraphysics and metaphysics as well. Mainly on the understading of how the physical and extraphysical can interact between each other and how both are necessary for a good understanding of reality and even complement dialectical materialism as well."
The act of orgasm through a spiritual sense. Ascending to another plane of orgasm.
I experienced a spiritual nut while smelling that apple pie.
A spiritual coma is when yuou pray so powerfully that you fall in to a coma of spirit. SPIRITUAL COMAS ARE CONTAGIOUS!
Dang was that guy praying cuz it looks like he just entered a spiritual coma bro!
Splinter group of Seekers of Buddhism/Zen philosophy that stay true it's precepts and values. Spiritual Realist refuse to take drugs and are able to see through the flaws and reject radical pacifism, pushed and stained by the mainstream
Fake Spiritual: "Hey I'm into Spiritual too!"
Spiritual Realist: "Really?!"
Fake Spiritual: "Yeah I got into it after taking LSD. It opened my mind!"
Spiritual Realist: "Oh..."
Radical Spiritualism, also reffered as Spiritual Radicalism and shortened as RadSpirit, RadSpiritual, SpiritRad and SpiritualRad, is a spiritualist ideology, derived from New Spiritualism, that supports that materialists, atheists, anti-theists, physicalists and positivists want to kill and disprove spirituality, spiritualism, esoterics and religion with all possible means, mainly using of science, more specific natural sciences and sciences like neuroscience and psychology, and that there's a spiritualicide happening and that Cultural Atheism is actually reality and majority of spiritual people or are ignoring it or are agreeing with it and even protecting it. Radical Spiritualism supports that all spiritual people who is against spiritualicide, cultural atheism and all attemps to kill and disprove spiritual, religious and esoteric things, should unite themselves and fight all of those things before it's too late and cultural atheist finally take over and spirituality, spiritualism, esoterics and religion are completely killed and disproved and considered as "pseudosciences". Radical spiritualism is considered by being culturally left and economically left and it supports spiritualicism, extraphysicalism, division between natural and spiritual sciences and opposition to positivism, materialism, physicalism, new atheism, anti-theism and scientism.
"Radical Spiritualism is actually ok considering the way that our world nowadays is actually walking into, even it's extremely radical on telling almost all spiritual communities online and irl are a bad example of spirituality and only the radspiritual ones are a good example or the best example of spirituality."
A non clear stone with Crystal properties, and the ability to store Spiritual Energy, that glows when lit by a light source.
The Spiritual Crystal glowed brightly. In thanks to the custom ring setting it was placed in, designed by the Creator and Owner of Renaissance Jewelry.
Spiritual Mindfreedomism or supernatural/extranatural mindreedomism is a wing of mindfreedomism that advocates themes related to spirituality, supernaturality and metaphysics/extraphysics are not mental illnesses and should be free of psychological-psychiatric oppression and people who are spiritual and supernatural should receive psychological and psychiatric treatment based on spiritualism and on supernaturalism, mainly on logical supernaturalism.
"Spiritual Mindfreedomism is the resistance of spiritual and supernatural people to the atheist zealot takeover on science, psychology and psychiatry."
"Spiritual Mindfreedomism might be really useful in the future, and even nowadays, for spiritual and supernatural people got recognition and end the oppression over both groups."