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Win-dogge sway

The sometimes-seen-as-sexual way in which Winston Marshall (nicknamed Win-Dogge) of Mumford & Sons sways forward and back, leading with his hips, while playing his signature banjo riffs. Can be seen in live performances of "The Cave", "Roll Away Your Stone", "Little Lion Man", and ""Lover of the Light" most commonly.
Also seen in the band's music video for "Little Lion Man".

Girl #1: I love the way he's dancing while he plays that banjo!"

Girl #2: That's the Win-Dogge Sway!

Girl #1: It's so sexy!

by Snow4Leaves January 2, 2012

Sway 'N Spray

An inebriated male choosing to urinate in a bush, or other outdoor large round object will inherently attempt to "spray" said object in a circular fashion. This leads to instability, and a circular swaying rotation with the feet; accompanied by an erratic jet stream in what could be perceived as the Sway 'N Spray.

Kei Wang consumed 37 coors lights and chose to relieve himself in the front of the building. The display of Sway 'N Spray was utterly spectacular.

by blazebowls July 6, 2009

White people Sway

It's the thing that marching bands do (Majority white schools) usually while playing jazz/swing songs.

It involves spreading of legs, kicking of legs, back bending and playing your instrument really loud.

also known as park and blow

I'm black and I'm in the University of Florida band and we do the white people sway all the time.

by blkg8trbandmembr April 14, 2009

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

stupid sway boy

guys that get into drama every other week yet still getting paid 5.6 k for 1 tik tok of them TryInG to be hot

follower 1: isnt bryce hall hot
follower 2: but isnt he like the guy thats like a stupid sway boy that gets into fights

by Gwyn S March 20, 2021

Swai lea Gladden

The best girlfriend on the entire fucking planet. No one can compare

The girl Swai lea gladden is the best girlfriend anyone can ask for

by Already know.... October 12, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

How Sway

A term combing the words so and way. Meant to sound weird, so you’re friends/ strangers can say β€œhuh”.

β€œI’m feeling kinda down today”

β€œHow sway?”

by Weirdsayings November 10, 2017

11πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž

2.5 ft of swaying death

See girth; see length; see width
see also antonio

A penis.

That guy has 2.5 ft of swaying death!

by Del the Funky Homosapien November 11, 2004

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž