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courtesy flush

Flushing the toilet at the exact moment of a smelly bowel movement hitting the water as to minimize lingering oders that may eminate off the perpatrating poo. Keeping the bowl poo free will keep the bathroom odor to a minimum.

Courtesy Flush after releasing a smelly chocolate hostage

by Poo Man Choo February 22, 2007

683๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž

Four Flushing

A person so full of shit, they must flush the toilet 4 times in order to empty the filled bowl.

In all actuality, the term comes from Poker players who would bluff a high stakes pot with a 4 card flush, instead of the true 5 card flush.

I was four flushing you Jack, now let's see your hand...ahh 3 kings, too bad!!

by WuRD SMiTH August 27, 2009

69๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass flush

A real douche face

That guy is a total ass flush.

by Chuck bass March 3, 2014

won't flush

phrase to add to the end of a sentence in regards to a household appliance to indicate that it has been peed on. Used by a person so drunk, they no longer recognize the proper place to urinate or poop.

Hey man, your DVD player won't flush.

Hey, your clock won't flush.

I was just in the room with the thing over there and your bed won't flush.

I think you need to call someone because I can't get your refrigerator to do the thing and it won't flush.

Man, I'm so drunk I couldn't figure out your Xbox and now it won't flush.

by calvinke February 25, 2011

Flush Gordon

Someone who flushes multiple times when taking a dump.

Boy, when I went dropping anchor this morning, I swear that was Flush Gordon in the next stall - he flushed like at least 12 times!

by Your Pseudynom April 24, 2009

no flush november

Throughout the month of November, one must not flush the toilet after defecating.

One is encouraged to go leave their house when he or she needs to use the toilet. Taking pictures and sending evidence to your friends is also highly encouraged.

No flush November example: Going to your friends house at any time in November and taking a huge crap, not flushing it and leaving it for them to find later on .

by TheOriginator November 7, 2013

morning flush

the first flush in the morning that wakes up everybody in the house.

I heard a morning flush at 5 AM and now I can't sleep.

by ghwajoigjweiowtuwe January 9, 2010