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teeny bopping

A person, usually man. Who hunts down teeny boppers and proceeds.

Matt went out on the town for a night of teeny bopping.

by leethaxor August 18, 2006

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

teeny bopper

stupid kids who stalk theyr fave 'punk' band obsessively, know everything about them and keep sayin 'OMG hes sooooo cute..'

look that kid followin that guy from that band around....shes such a teeny bopper....lets go shoot her..

by miss chloe August 13, 2003

51πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

teeny bopper

a kid between 10-15 who acts grown up by wearing their backpacks to malls, bringing drinks to school, wearing differnt kinds of shoes every day, not using proper grammer(aiight, aint, etc), walking with a group of 5 or more, taking things from someone as if it was for free(a.k.a. freeloader), and MORE.

teeny boppers are gay.

by e|2iC May 23, 2003

66πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Teeny Bopper

The most annoying bitch's in the world. People who Absolutley LOVE MTV. They perfer Hilary Duff, Ashlee Simpson, 50 Cent, Simple Plan and Good Charlotte over Amazing Influencial bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper and the Beatles. They can either be ghetto sluts or Ugly Fake Goth's who Listen to MCR and has never heard a real band in their life. They Love shopping for rediculous clothing like "Princess" or "Myspace Celebrity" written on the T-shirt. They wish they were the girls on America's next top model, and absolutley Love Gay men. espechally male fashion designers. Teeny Boppers are unintelligent, they usually type words like "DIS, WUT? R U RILLI?" and "N Den lyke ma mum walkz in n says tuRn down ur H2w+h()rn3 h3!ghtz cd!!!11111!11! it hurT ! cr!d!!11!"

"Anyone who watches MTV is a teeny bopper, and that means you suck"

by vvvvxgxxxg November 2, 2006

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

teeny bopper

Teenage whore. They like to listen to shit music to be in a group. They flock around their tvs watchin MTV to see whats hip. They deck themselves out at hot topic to be like avril laving or good charlote or wear skimpy clothes when they are fat as hell and have backacne to be like britney spears. they always watch american idol and always vote for the gay guy. they are one of the most hated people in the world, next to terrorists.

Breaking news: The government ordered the genocide of teeny boppers.

by Rawr June 16, 2003

1697πŸ‘ 797πŸ‘Ž

Teeny bopper

Teeny boppers are basically try hards, or young girls who are really..well...girly..

wearing alot of pink.

giggle about boys.

wear incredibly short mini skirts..

frilly things/beads/lots of layers and bright clothes.

Hanging out near all the cool cats pretending they're just as cool...THEY'RE NOT!

run around screaming and squealing.

always carry little tiny handbags on their shoulders full of their makeup.

obbsessed with lipgloss.

flip their hair all the time.

scream when they get a msg.

walk around in groups of friends that all look alike..

wear matching clothes as all their little friends.

sworn enemy of the emo/scene kids..yahoo!!

Go to alot of bluelights.

Fake stuff just to get attention.

Listen to simple plan and good charlotte.

but also listen to girly music.

wear high heels even though they're 12 and cant walk in them.

aNd ThEy AlSo TyPe LiKe ThIs BeCaUsE aPpArEnTlY tHiS iS tHe CoOl WaY tO tYpE.

it isnt.

so stop that.

most are sluts.

or pretend they are to look good.



Teeny bopper conversation.

"oh my gosh! that boy is soooo hot..he was totally looking at you!"

"oh my gosh no way! maybe I should giggle really loudly as I walk past and get him to notice me!"

"oh my god do it!!!!!!!"

by Lucy lambentβ„’ February 5, 2007

58πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

teeny bopper

Young chick's aged 12-15.
The defining factor of a teeny bopper is the music they listen to. They listen to that 'top 40 pop hits' shit, like Backstreet Boys, NSync, Britney Spears or whatever.
They giggle profusely at anything and are intolerably annoying especially when you or them is fucked up on drugs.
They regularly hang out at the mall and movies wearing typically in-season shoes and backpacks in large groups loitering and giggling. They all watch Reality TV and say 'Like, OMG!'. They are typically blonde and/or dumb and follow every single trend that comes out; fashion, music and otherwise. Teeny Bopper is a very stereotypical term.

"Look at that teeny bopper giggling, wearing a backpack and buying that Justin Timberlake CD."

by Diego July 30, 2003

325πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž