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In response to Greenburg(Post # 53) I'd have to say you just made yourself look like a complete dumbass. Although the first post had somethings wrong, he also had many correct facts about Canada.

1-Smarties are the Bomb. M&Ms arent all that great. Fuck you for thinking otherwise.
2-Crispy Crunch are pretty gross. Coffee Crisp is right awesome.
3-Canadian and American football are both gay.
4-Who gives a fuck about Baseball.
5-Native American isnt a country. They were a group of people who live(d) in Canada.
6-Hockey, well, we all agree is right fucking sweet. Although the Leafs suck and always will suck. It's been 40 some years people. It's time to let go.
7-Basketball is American. But it doesnt matter cause it's boring anyways.
8-Syrup isnt the only food made in Canada. Poutines are an example.
9-I work at Tim Hortons and to prove it doesnt suck, we have 3 Tims in a town with a population of 17 000. That's a lot.
10-It was a war. Big deal.
11-Canada did actually fight, but you wouldnt know that because schools in the US dont teach hardly anything about Canada.
12-Pretty much the same.
13-Canadians dont go to war over stupid things; therefore, a bar fight would be considered a civil war to a few people.
14-Plaid is killer.
15-We arent poor. We have no need to carry guns as our country is safer than most.
16-On the contrary. Americans cut down many trees for a living. What do you think they do to trees before they build houses and buildings?
17-You're extremely stupid if you think velcro was the only thing we invented. We did indeed invent ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, zambonis, the telephone.
18-While being a child growing up in an extremely cold climate(especially in the Winter),it is common to have your tongue or mouth stuck to a metal pole. I am proud to say this has never happened to me.
19-The man who created Superman did have canadian roots. Google it.
In the future, I advise you not to be such a dumbass.

Canada ALWAYS beat the US in hockey. Always.

by Jami G April 26, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fine country where people can drink at age 18. Canada is popularly portrated, by me, to be one big fat Minnesota (Canada is RIFE with hunters and fishermen)! ^_^

Unfortunately, Canada has been subject to be the most brainwashed nation by Michael Moore's devious indoctrination. Because of this, canadians now hate America about as much as the rest of the world. Which is a shame....I'm an american and I like Canada. I like to rip on canadians, but that doesn't mean I hate'em! Unfortunately there are some canadians who greatly dislike America, primarily because of the fact that we have a "different" president leading the free world.

And about Canada not participating in war....this is my point of view : Canada is a peaceful refuge from war. Canada doesn't need to require itself to go to war. But if they do go to war, they are amongst the most courageous people in the world. Being full of hunters, canadians soldiers should be tough.

Like I said, this is all my point of view. Personally, I wouldn't mind checking out Canada in the future. Ahh, so many countries I wanna check out....Japan, Russia, and now Canada. Gonna check out the lovely ladies that Canada has, and not to mention their nice liquor!! ^.^ eh?

"Canada is kind of Michael Moore's base of operations."

by Dave March 21, 2004

89๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


The smarter side of north america, not to mention the fitter and healthier side.

I went up to Canada the other day, they live in igloos, but they aren't fat.

by Long Bang Trung August 21, 2004

198๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


Aside from what people think, We are not bear-basting hockey lovers. I actually HATE hockey, and I do not drink bear. Canada is a very laid back country, meaning you could smoke a
blunt on the street and nobody would care, not even the cops, It is rare they will arrest you for it, they usually take a couple bucks from your wallet or smoke with you. Worse crimes
such as heavy drug trade (cocaine, heroin) are not tolerated, You will be prosecuted for a LONG time if you are caught with it. Crime, it seems to be mostly in Toronto, but significantly less then most countries. And for stereotypes, that like to view us on our couch, drinking a beer, watching
hockey on TV, Your wrong... Infact, I don't know anybody who does that.

A few facts...

-Our rocket ships, are not made out of wood.
-We rarely say "Eh"
-We have the best weed
-We do not live in igloo's
-We do not travel by dog sled
-We cannot ice-skate on our roads
-We do not hate America, we hate their president
-We do not start random wars with people
-Our flag is rarely burned (Yay!)

Some people think that Canada is icey, and some people think it is a big forest. Wait - how can an igloo be in a forest.

by Mr_Canada May 31, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cool country, but most of the definitions by canadians or canadian supporters always bring up the US in thier arguement. Find something else to exploit. Most of the entries here state that america was racist, well incase you didnt notice, that statement is discrimitory.

"Americans are all racist, too bad im too stupid to notice what i just said was along the lines of racism"

by Vic April 22, 2004

84๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


a country where the beer isnt watered down, the best bands/actors/comediens come from, the sex is amazing, women can walk around topless if they should so desire, its legal to marry boys or girls, where the health care is free, people are polite, the population speaks english and for the most part french, the people arent fat, a pretty girl can walk home alone at 1 in the morning, its not cold all year round, its spelled favourite, colour, centre, metre, honour etc, americans go to escape pure evil (bush), and where all the cool kids live! (by the way... weeds not legal here...)

A conversation in french canada... or in an english canadian classroom
-bonjour (good day)
-salut (hi)
-comment ca va? (how are you?)
-ca va bein, merci et vous? (im good, thank you and yourself?)
-ca va tres bein! (im very good!)

by emilyiscanadian April 18, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


I live in Canada

I live in Canada

Pls add this

by Jong un12345678910 April 24, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž