Source Code

Forrest Gump

A man who, if he could he could talk as fast as he runs, would be mistaken as the next Albert Einstein.

Run Forrest! Run!

by Reba-sama January 21, 2004

110๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

Forrest Gump

A film from the mid 90's starring Tom Hanks as a retard who seemingly takes part in every event in the 1960's.

Jimmy watched Forrest Gump 50 times last night just so he could see Tom Hanks' ass over and over again.

by Ginko Biloba September 7, 2003

118๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Forrest Boy

A boy from the Forrest family that has gay dads and preform in illegal or inappropriate activities.

Why was a Forrest boy watching porn in class?

by Jimmeriswet October 19, 2021

David Forrest

To throw a bat or golf at someone, when provoked or unprovoked.

Dude, howd you get that bump on your head?
Some guy david forrested me

by smifsta March 20, 2009

Whitley Forrester

The best person in the world! she most likely short and has blue eyes. She always acts like a blondy even though she has brown hair.

Whitley Forrester is my best friend.

by Lilly duncan January 21, 2021

Bloody Forrest

When a girl is giving a man a BJ, the man then continues to thrust the women, causing a the nose to bleed, or posssibly break. The blood then goes to the pubes, causing a "bloody forrest"

Jeff: Dude, what happen to her?
Josh: I gave her the bloody forrest.
Jeff: was it good?
Josh: oh yeahh

by didTHATjustHAPPEN November 24, 2010

Forrest Pump

A porno mawking the movie forrest gump. It has basically the same dialogue as the movie, but changed with pornographic langauge.

In the porno, Forrest Pump:

(Scene where forrest is in vietnam and gets shot)

"Oww, something FUCKED ME!!!!"

(Scene where forrest is in hospital with Lt. Dan)

Lt. Clam!!!! I came!!!!

by Kudzuboy January 24, 2011