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Middle School

A place where you come in thinking, great! I'm going to make so many new friends! You will see those 7th graders who at one point went to your school. They went from normal people to eye liner wearer , fake wannabe, fakes... Soon you will have realized middle school is all about boys asking girls out and the queer drama that happens all because "You wouldnt shop with Sally at abercrombie."

All the girls wear abercrombie and they boys try to look "cool" with their very special Hollister t-shirt everyone else is wearing. There are the stupid populars, nerds,posers,emos, and the OK KIDS. Hopefully you will be part of the OK kids. You get average grades, you couldnt care less about popularity, and you sill like the same music. You normal and love watching the populars becoming sluts.

Middle School sucked.

by Jazmin :) September 10, 2008

Middle School

A place that your elementary teachers tell you will be SO cool. Then you get there and all it is is a bunch of girls destroying each other's self confidence and a bunch of boys getting in fights over stupid shit. Usually is kids from 6th-8th grade. Most people call it the worst school period. I would have to agree. Between middle and highschool, you can either have the best time of your life, or the worst. It all depends mainly on how you look, which is horrible, but the truth. Everyone believes in stereotypes in middle school. It's mainly a big group of kids judging each other. No one cares if you're mean or a whore as long as you're a pretty person. This is the point when everyone starts to worry about what people think of them. Girls are supposed to wear the right amount of makeup, keep their hair perfect, wear the right clothes, etc. Boys are supposed be tough, have abs, be attractive, etc. It's all just a bunch of bull shit and kids are cruel. It will most likely be much MUCH worse than any other time in your school years.

Middle school was the worst time of my life.

by Ham!!! February 18, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School


You cannot make it throughout 2 (or 3 depends) years of this hellhole without atleas experiencing each of the following things atleast once...

1:DRAMA!!! FUCK!!!!
2: Losing one of your good friends from elemntary school because of DRAMA!
3: Not being able to conenctrate on anything because of DRAMA!
4: jacking off in the school bathrooms (u all know uve tried it)
5: Starving all day only to be served food that tastes worse than your shit made by lunch ladies that look like they got radiation sickness.
6: making friends that know you from the inside out, and u can talk to them about anything, they understand all the shit uve been through and they can relate.
7: noticing that teachers are NOT always right, infact they are usually wrong.
8: forming a deep hatred for all establishment and not looking forward to school at all.
9: shitting your brains out after u eat that chili! OH BOY!
10: having a girl touch ur penis when she is high on ecstacy and u dont even kno it.
11: smoking weed!


middle schooler: poor child, u dont kno wat ur in for go fuck urself

by peculiarmonkey August 8, 2008

287๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

where everything sucks.

you don't have to try in middle school, you just pass your classes by being there. you can pull a lot of stuff off in front of the teachers since they all hate you anyway.

lots of kids become emos and goths

the popular people rule everything.

Middle school is the worst!

by daveyyyyy September 19, 2007

339๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

term used to descibe immaturity about such things as sex, drugs and alcohol but is not limited to cheesyness

oh my god there he is!! do i look okay?!
shutup sara, you're so middleschool

by Gorgeous Me February 22, 2005

104๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

The place where under-qualified teachers and coaches that never stop yelling transform you from a sweet innocent 5th grader to either a self-absorbed loud-mouthed jock or a perverted sarcastic freak of nature. They also set you into groups based on how smart you are and make you feel bad about yourself in some way. The only way anybody makes it through the pure torture that you get everyday is the awsome people that you meet and the freedom of extracurricular activities.

mother: billy, you've been making more and more bad choices since you started middle school.
billy: of course i have, middle school does that to you.

by honorband71 May 31, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

a place where:

the youngest grade thinks they're so cool because they just got out of elementary school.
the middle grade hates everyone and really just doesn't care at all.
the oldest grade also hates every other grade and they act superior to everyone else. and scares everyone with how tall they are.

the one where i live is grades 5, 6 and 7 but a lot of them are 6, 7 and 8.

middle school:
kid in youngest grade: lyk omggzzz i am sooo kewl! 3 months ago i was an elementerrey skewl kidd but now im soooo awesomez.

kid in middle grade: what? oh just shut up.

kid in oldest grade: look! im tall! MUAHAHAHAHA

by look its a person! November 29, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž