Dec 31st 2019 someone in China ate a raw Bat, causing a global pandemic. Called Co-Vid19 or AKA the Corona Virus.
When it hit Canada in March of 2020 our nation shut down except for essential services like grocery stores, auto part suppliers, and delivery services. To keep these places operational and entice a traditionally lower paid work force to come in to work when the world needed them the most. Companies gave a temporary raise to those workers still showing up even if there was a potential risk to their health.
Worker: Hey Son are you coming to work on Monday?
Son: Of course I am, I got the Rona raise!
Rona Raise is slang term used to lighten the stress around a very serious situation, not to offend anyone.
Employer: Due to the Corona Virus out break we are giving everyone a temporary raise.
When you feel like your brain is in the clouds and you become forgetful.
Every week since covid became a reality, I have a day or two where I swear I have “RONA-BRAIN”- Your brain is in the clouds and you become forgetful.
When you get Covid after fucking someone who was positive to Covid when you fucked them.
1: “The guy I fucked last week had Covid and now I have Covid”
2: “Ahh, you got the Rona Boner. Was it worth it?”
1: “The D was totally worth getting the ‘rona for”.
Having sex with a woman who has COVID-19 specifically so that you can feel her pelvic floor muscles give you a good yank every time she convulses from coughing.
Man, I was riding 'rona on Megan the other day and it felt great then, less so now that I'm in the ICU with a 104 fever.
Hoes you've acquired starting since Covid or during quarantine due to Covid.
Increased breast size due to quarantine from the Coronavirus.
"Did you see that quarantine selfie Suzy put on Instagram?"
"Yeah, she's got those rona titties!"
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A discarded face mask
On the way into Walmart, the parking lot was filled with rona pads.
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